Clerk's Office
All village records are managed by the Clerk's Office, as well as village taxes, water and sewer bills, vital records (birth and death records), disabled parking permits, FOIL requests, and zoning permits.
Village Board
Village Board meetings are held twice a month on the first and third Monday at 7:30pm. Meeting schedule does change for some holidays that fall on Mondays. Meetings are open to the public. Please contact the Clerk's Office for questions about scheduling.
Local Laws
A listing of the Village of Perry's Local Laws is available online.
Planning & Zoning
Zoning, Planning and Property Maintenance work together to ensure that building regulations are well developed and properly administered. Looking for a permit application or other document? Many frequently requested materials are available online on the Forms page.
Village Court
Information about courts can be found on the Village Court page. Please contact the Court Clerk for specific information about the court schedule, pending cases and questions.