Comprehensive Plan
The Village of Perry developed and then adopted a new, updated Comprehensive Plan on September 21, 2015.
There are many ways to approach developing a Comprehensive Plan.
In Perry, a Steering Committee worked with consultants to develop the comprehensive plan through a public and transparent process over several months.
The goal is for the adopted plan to respond to the needs of the village over the next 10-15 years.
Project Materials & Adopted Plan
- Final adopted comprehensive plan document with appendices (PDF)
- Briefing Book with findings (PDF)
- Clue Group Report on commercial revitalization and development (PDF)
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan is a written document that outlines a community’s vision for the future along with a strategy or philosophy for how it will achieve that vision. Although the comprehensive plan is not a law, once it is adopted by the Village Board, all local laws (such as zoning) must be consistent with it.
What can a Comprehensive Plan address?
In essence, a comprehensive plan is a community’s guiding philosophy that outlines the goals, objectives and policies for the immediate and long-range enhancement, growth and development of the community.
Examples of types of things a comprehensive plan might address:
Existing and proposed land uses and their intensity
Agricultural uses, historical resources, cultural resources, natural resources, coastal resources and sensitive environmental areas
Population, demographic and socioeconomic trends
Transportation facilities
Utilities and infrastructure
Housing resources and needs
Relevant governmental plans and regional needs
Economic development
Proposed means to implement goals, objectives and policies
Parties responsible for overseeing implementation