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Comprehensive Plan

The Village of Perry developed and then adopted a new, updated Comprehensive Plan on September 21, 2015.

There are many ways to approach developing a Comprehensive Plan.

In Perry, a Steering Committee worked with consultants to develop the comprehensive plan through a public and transparent process over several months.

The goal is for the adopted plan to respond to the needs of the village over the next 10-15 years.

Project Materials & Adopted Plan

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan is a written document that outlines a community’s vision for the future along with a strategy or philosophy for how it will achieve that vision. Although the comprehensive plan is not a law, once it is adopted by the Village Board, all local laws (such as zoning) must be consistent with it.

What can a Comprehensive Plan address?

In essence, a comprehensive plan is a community’s guiding philosophy that outlines the goals, objectives and policies for the immediate and long-range enhancement, growth and development of the community.

Examples of types of things a comprehensive plan might address:

  • Existing and proposed land uses and their intensity

  • Agricultural uses, historical resources, cultural resources, natural resources, coastal resources and sensitive environmental areas

  • Population, demographic and socioeconomic trends

  • Transportation facilities

  • Utilities and infrastructure

  • Housing resources and needs

  • Infrastructure

  • Relevant governmental plans and regional needs

  • Economic development

  • Proposed means to implement goals, objectives and policies

  • Parties responsible for overseeing implementation

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