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Mayor's Messages

March 25, 2024

State of the Village 2024: ACTION!


Perry will be at the center of action next month! We are in the sweet spot within a narrow arc from Dansville to Hamilton, Ontario that will bear witness to a once-in-a-lifetime event - a total solar eclipse. If the skies are clear, please join me on Monday, April 8th at the renovated Village Beach, 42 Walker Road, to celebrate this celestial sight. It begins a smidge past 2pm. “Totality” is at 3:20pm and lasts three incredible minutes.

February 21, 2023

THINK BIG: The 2023 State of the Village

Perhaps it’s no coincidence that the Theme for the 2023 Perry Chalk Art Festival is “Think BIG”! For the scrappy little village of Perry, 2023 is shaping up to be quite a year, and thinking big will be an asset. Last Monday, Governor Hochul announced that Perry had been awarded $10 million through Round 6 of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI).

February 6, 2022

2022 State of the Village

Mayor Hauser shares an update on the Village of Perry with a focus on Taxes, Infrastructure, Projects and Plans.

September 14, 2020

2020 State of the Village: Resilience

Interconnected and interdependent as we are, 2020 has reminded us of the many ways Perry’s destiny is caught up in events not fully within our control. On Memorial Day I often reflect on this idea: that this country is nothing more - or should I say nothing less - than thousands of small communities sharing a common purpose. E Pluribus Unum. Out of Many, One. 

November 20, 2019

#PerryProgress, by the Numbers

We learned last week that Perry was *not* selected as the Finger Lakes Region’s recipient of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI), and the $10 million of funding to support private and public project development that accompanies it.

February 22, 2018

Mayor's Column - Where do my Village taxes go?

I hear that question pretty regularly. Prior to the start of my public service, I wondered it myself and had only the vaguest notions of how our tax money was divided and used. After all, reading that “this year’s budget included $2,482,093 of general fund appropriations” doesn’t really bring it home...

January 27, 2018

2018 State of the Village

Somehow I blinked, and now I’ve been mayoring for five years. But when I think about the big strides we’re taking as a village, the progress on the goals we enumerated five years ago, and all the efforts by our terrific staff and community volunteers, it sometimes seems instead that much more time has elapsed. Thank you for the opportunity to continue to serve.

Masonic Temple in Spring
Perry Public Library, home of the Stowell-Wiles Gallery
His 'N Hers & Jake's Barber Shop on Main Street
Looking South from Burlingham Books, on Main Street
Rachel says Hello! from Olive & Ink, on Main Street
Arts Council for Wyoming County, on Main Street
Artworks by PCS kids on display at the Wyoming County Fair
A sunset over Silver Lake in Winter
Reading at the Bookstore
Read Around Perry (RAP) 5K Medals
Pitching in at the Village Park on Clean Sweep Day
Hold onto your Last Night Perry!
Hello Honeycombers!
Milk! on Main Street.
Reading with Rotary, oh my!